

27 Sep. 2017.

Upgrade your hosting plan via the Customer Portal

In the Customer Portal, we have added a new feature called "Upgrade hosting plan", which allows you to view the current storage usage and change your hosting plan.

12 Apr. 2017.

New Data Protection Policy

You can view the new rules by clicking here.

21 Mar. 2017.

Transfer of service in the Customer Portal

As of today, we have made available the "Transfer of Service" menu item in our Customer Portal, through which you can initiate the transfer of the right to use hosting and domain names.

09 Feb. 2017.

New feature on Customer Portal

Two new features have been added to our Customer Portal:
- online name server modification,
- creation of a unique ID for permanent access.

17 Jan. 2017.

New service on the Web hosting settings: FREE SSL/HTTPS service!

As of today, we provide free certified SSL service for all domains managed on MediaCenter servers.

10 Jan. 2017.

28 Oct. 2016.

New notification system

As of today, the renewal of services from MediaCenter will be carried out under a new system, and our General Terms and Conditions will be updated.

03 Mar. 2016.

New 5-15-30-50 GB storage at the old price!

Thanks to previously announced enhancements, we can now provide huge SSD/HDD hybrid storage sizes. As promised, we have extended the content of our previous START / PLUS / BUSINESS plans significantly!

15 Feb. 2016.

Speed up websites by 200-500% with OpCache!

As of today, we have activated our free OpCache service for all hosting, which will significantly improve your website performance! Also check out our OpCache PRO service for additional speed improvements!

10 Feb. 2016.

PHP7 and MariaDB 10.1 available on all our servers!

We've extended the PHP versions that can be used on the repository with the latest PHP7. PHP7 is the fastest and most up-to-date PHP version yet. At our company, we are the only one of our domestic providers to have built and maintain an enhanced compatibility version of PHP7, which incorporates a number of changes that ensure that in most cases incompatible programs will run fine.

21 Jan. 2016.

We introduced a new hybrid SSD-based data storage technology!

Fast SSD-level access time, compressed data storage, full data backup available for 28 days! Get to know our new data storage system!
