

11. Feb. 2008.

New feature in the Web Hosting Settings: filtered SPAM

At the request of our customers, we have now made the database of SPAM mails filtered and deleted by our spam filtering servers available on the Web Hosting Settings.

Our high-efficiency, multi-layered spam filtering system intercepts an average of 200,000 - 250,000 spam emails per day and protects our users' inboxes from harassment. Although the filtered mail database is checked daily by our staff, from today we are making this option available to our customers.

After logging in to the Web Hosting Settings, a new menu item "FILTERED EMAILS" is displayed in the Mailbox settings. Clicking on this will allow you to list and view spam messages that have been intercepted and deleted by the system, domain by domain.

Junk leaves are stored for 7 days, those older than 7 days are deleted.
